Group Profile
Materials: newsprint, markers, tape
Preparation: Trace an outline of the human body on newsprint. List the following
topics outside the outline next to the coordinating body part:
Head: dreams or goals we have (for our community)
Ears: things we like to listen to
Eyes: How we like other people to see us
Shoulders: problems young people may have to face.
Hands: things we like to make or do (with our hands)
Stomach: things we like to eat
Heart: things we feel strongly about
Right foot: places we would like to go
Post outline of body on the wall. Invite participants to come up to the poster and
write things or pictures to represent each area for them. This is done grafitti
style, free form.
After everyone has had a chance to participate, ask for volunteers to report to the
group on what is listed.
What are common interests? Shared goals? Dreams?
Were there any themes?
What are the things we feel strongly about? How do these relate to our
group’s work?
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