AVID Student Contract

Waukegan High School
“Advancement Via Individual Determination”

 AVID is a College Preparatory Program based on rigorous curriculum dedicated to preparing students for enrollment in a four- year university upon high school graduation.

Student Goals

1.      Academic success in college preparatory courses.
2.      Successful completion of college eligibility requirements in high school.
3.      Enrollment in a four-year college or university after high school graduation.
Student Responsibilities

1.      Maintain at least a “C” (2.0 GPA) in all classes.
2.      Maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes.
3.      Maintain an organized AVID binder with required materials including subject dividers, planner, Cornell notes and supplied writing supplies
4.      Come to class prepared with your AVID binder and needed school supplies.
5.      Complete Tutorial Request Forms (TRF’s) before class and participate in tutorials.
6.      Complete all assignments from all classes including AVID.
7.      Keep open the lines of communication with AVID teacher, counselor and parents.
8.      Attend AVID events including fundraisers, field trips & other activities) as scheduled.
9.      Contribute to a positive and productive class environment by supporting the efforts of other students and the AVID teacher.
Student Agreement

I agree to accept enrollment into the AVID elective class, which will offer me academic support to help me succeed in high school. I understand that I must be committed to take individual responsibility and determination for my own success. I must commit to remaining enrolled in the AVID elective for at least one year and that I will be allowed to remain in the AVID program only if I meet the student responsibilities outlined above. I also understand that if I remain in the AVID program through my senior year of high school I would increase my chances of meeting my goal of attending a four-year university or college.

Student Name (printed)________________________________________                                              

Student’s Signature __________________________________________           Date __________

Support Agreement: We agree to fully support the efforts of this student in meeting the AVID goals          and expectations outlined above.

__________________________________________         ___________________________________
W.H.S. AVID Teacher Signature                                          Parent or Guardian’s Signature


W.H.S. AVID Administrator’s Signature

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